Dear parents,

I hope you are all keeping safe and well during this difficult time. 

Please find below a link to the third Class Google Drive. Here you will find an outline of work and activities across a variety of curriculum areas that can be completed with your child.

Children can continue to complete work into the spare copy that was sent home or alternatively a spare copy /folder you have at home.

Much of the work listed is available in supplementary books that were sent home with children on 12th of March. Any books that you do not have can be accessed online at or I have provided links to the specific books required in document on the drive. Have a look at these posts that will show you how to log in.

FolensOnline CJFallon

Please do not feel under any pressure to complete all the work listed. I would recommend judging this on the needs, ability and interests of your child.

Please do not hesitate to contact me via email if you have any questions or concerns regarding the work set out.

I hope to see you all again soon.