Our School Garden
We recently fixed up our school garden. We have added some lovely activites that we can play with everyday.

Attendance Awards
Here is St. Josephs we value the importance of great attendance in school. We like to encourage great attendance each year by giving attendance awards to the children who have the best attendance for the previous year. Also we love to give attendance awards each month for the class that has had the best attendance for that month. Check out our News page for to see which class has won the award each month. For tips to help with attendance see the advice on the Parents page
Tree Day
We celebrate Tree Day each year in our school. When we can we take a trip to Emo Court and go on a nature walks to see all the trees and nature around Emo. Here is a report of one of those trips.
Friday was a lovely crisp sunny autumn day in Emo Court. We met our guide Valerie who started the guided nature walk. We saw a Beech tree, a Birch tree, an Oak tree, a Sycamore tree and a Horse Chestnut tree. We examined the shape of the leaves and we looked at the fruit and seeds.We took note of the plants and animals near the tree. Some trees were deciduous others were evergreen like the Yew and Pine.We went to feed the birds at the lake. We saw mallards, swans, and even a heron. We gathered some samples of leaves and fruit and put them on our Nature Table. We had a great day and really loved seeing all the magnificent trees in Emo Court.

Team Hope Christmas Box
Each year in November we create and send boxes full of toys and gifts for children in need for Christmas. We love to see the childrens reactions when they see what is inside their box.
It is the ultimate Christmas story – genuine, caring people in Ireland from homes and schools, businesses, groups etc. across Ireland, having an impact all across Africa
and Eastern Europe. Boxes of joy and hope packed by you and delivered by us to children in up to a dozen countries. Team Hope
Halloween Dress Up
Each year at Halloween we like to dress up to raise money for charity. We have lots of fun dressing up and raising money for the Jack and Jill Foundation.